Upcoming Performances

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We are delighted to announce we will be performing Handel's Messiah on Saturday the 30th of November 2024 at 8:00pm in St. Peter and Paul's Church, Carey's Lane, Cork.
Soprano Orlaith Horan
Alto Gráinne Stafford
Tenor Breiffni Horgan
Bass Eoghan Desmond

East Cork Orchestra: Leader Eithne Willis
Colin Nicholls Conductor

All proceeds will go to the St Peter and Paul's Building Fund

Tickets are on sale now for €20 from Pro Musica, Choral Society Members, by phoning 087 4191614, and at the door
Tickets can also be purchased through Eventbrite, link to follow shortly

Concert Poster
The Dream of Gerontius

We are delighted to announce we will be performing the Opening Gala of the Cork International Choral Festival: Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius on the 30th of May 2025 in Cork City Hall.
The East Cork Choral Society and the Guinness Choir from Dublin will join together for the first time and will be accompanied by Cork Fleischmann Symphony Orchestra.

Tickets can be purchased from the Choral Festival website